Always hear about “RSS” or “Feed”? Or have you notice the orange button which looks similar to the right appear in most blogs or websites? That is an RSS button.
What is RSS? It stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a document that contains frequently updated contents of a blog/site. It can be either a summary of a blog post (site updates) or a full text entry from the blog (site). What does this mean?
The following video provides a very good explanation on RSS and feed reader. You should be able to get an idea of what is RSS after watching it.
Why is RSS important?
- Keep yourself up-to-date with your favorite sites.
- Won’t miss out any posts.
- Save time as you only read your favorite sites with updates, skipping those without updates.
Like what the video mentioned, you can subscribe to an RSS feed by using RSS reader such as Google Reader and Bloglines. There are many more RSS reader which allow you to do the same thing.
If you like what you are reading from this blog, you may consider subscribing to this blog RSS feed too. Then, you will be able to know when new entries have been published here.
Additional Reading: What is RSS?
By Shelia on Dec 12, 2010
yeah bookmaking this wasn’t a bad conclusion outstanding post!